Submit A Rules Enquiry
Before you submit a Rules Enquiry:
NOTE: We receive a number of queries with inadequate information and unclear wording which indicates that the queries are not being passed by the Faculty Advisor before submission. Please ensure this is done, as it speeds up responses and reduces the overall amount of communication. Remember that we have not seen your vehicle so review your queries as if you were the recipient with no knowledge of your particular vehicle and ensure your wording is clear and that you provide any related sketches that will help explain the situation. Also, show dimensions where applicable for the related rule or your query.
- Check the Rules FSAE-A Q&A Document to see if your query has already been answered.
- Ask your Team Leader or Faculty Advisor. In many cases they will be able to assist you.
FSAE-A Q&A Document - [Vol 2, 2024] FSAE-A Q&A Document - [Vol 1, 2023]
If you still need help, you must submit your query via the formal rules enquiry procedure to the Rules Committee, using the "Ask a Question" link below.
The Rules Committee may require further information from the team prior to finalising an answer and may also require review of the team’s FMEA for major variations or new concepts.
Click on the ? to submit a Rules Enquiry
Response Time
Please allow a minimum of two (2) weeks for a response. The Rules Committee will respond as quickly as possible. However, responses to questions presenting new issues, or of unusual complexity, may take more than two weeks. Please do not send emails as this will only slow down the process.